Friday, August 21, 2009

My children the photographers

Here's what happened when I let my kids use my
camera. We went to Liberty park in Salt Lake
with Chelsea in hopes that if we were at a park the kids would play and we could talk. No luck. They hovered around us most of the time and complained until I let them use my camera out of desperation for a moment to chat with Chelsea uninterrupted. I thought they did pretty good...with the pictures that is...they were a little bratty yesterday.
Action shots. The kids have been into cartwheels

Look at Carson...I have NEVER seen him better posed for a picture. I can never get this to happen. I guess Claire has the magic touch. Their prop of choice was obviously the statue bunny.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray, you started a blog! I'm so excited!!! The kids are looking cute and getting big. I feel like I never see them anymore. And Carson IS very nicely posed in that picture. Very nice.
