Sunday, January 24, 2010

A day in the life of Kade

Align Center
So one day last week I wrote down all the things Kade did in one day. (except drawing on the couch--that was the day before but I had to get it in there)
He colored on every cushion of the leather couch including the ottoman with a ball point pen
He colored on the mirrors with a marker
He spilled a glass of milk everywhere
He spilled his glass of grape juice everywhere
After Matt spent considerable time fixing and putting batteries in his firetruck he brought it in the shower and ruined it
He smashed oranges into the carpet
Snuck off to a corner with a huge hunk of dipping chocolate
Took off all his clothes at the park and peed in the sand in front of all the other moms--twice
Took my new double bag of bread from Costco and rode it like a horse and smashed it
Gave me tons of hugs and kisses.
Said "I love you momio"
Smiled his irresistable smile.
Screamed "DADIOOOOOOO" when Matt got home from work
I love you too Kado.


  1. Wow!! I feel better after reading that! Wish we could get paid for our jobs!!

  2. Hey Mindy. I might think twice next time you want to come visit. Maybe when he outgrows his destructiveness we can hang out! He sounds pretty much exactly like Abbey.

  3. Haha!!! A day in the life of Kado eh! I love that you are taking a picture of him flying down that hill and I was so scared of him flying down that hill. There is no fear in him. Love it. Can't wait to see you guys!

  4. I'm exhausted just reading that list. And scared that in 6 months that will be Ben. Kade sure managed to squeeze a lot into one day.

  5. your comment was my fav of the day today on my blog. summed it up completely! but now i can blame the crazy bed kids totally on the baldry side!
